Prajna Light Activations of The Gaiadawn Core Heart
In a Universe of endless possibilities, what do you choose?
All are welcome to partake of this amazing transformation into their highest form of Light. This is a unique Facilitator seminar for all who seek this wisdom and who wish to transmit it to those who are ready to receive it.
Prajna-Light is the Light of pure Divine Wisdom and Love, that bursts from the core of the Gaia-Dawn Heart and is a continuation of the Gaiadon Heart teachings. At the same time, it is totally new and belongs to the hearts of all those who hear the clarion call to serve the New Gaia.
It is the beginning of a new revolution of a very exciting journey of mastery from the Gaiadon Peak to the Gaia-Dawn Peak and beyond.
A new mode of initiation has already begun.
What we shall experience within this space time of united
hearts gathering in love
- Prajna Light of the Gaia-Dawn Heart
- From the Chrysalis Light to Freedom
- The Divine Equinox
- The Greater Knowing
- The Gaia-Dawn Heart Alchemist – The Liquid Elixir of Immortality
- In the Fullness of the Presence
- New Paradigm Creation – Gaia Dimension of Love
- Initiation of Initiations
- Merging with the Divine – Living the Divine Light
And much more…..
The experience is of a great cellular transformation, where the light realms open up to you and you begin to understand truly what a great being of light you are.
You shall receive these initiations and you shall walk this earth plane in unity consciousness and unconditional love, gathering in sacred spaces to activate the Earth’s Heart so that the Collective Consciousness of the Planet may lift into the highest possible levels.
We need to hear the Clarion Call of Gaia’s Heart. She needs us now.
The ultimate truth of our mastery is to be in service.
Are you ready?